The following pages contain information and documents relating to the simplified tender offer initiated by Unibel SA for the shares of Bel SA (the “Offer“). Electronic versions of the materials you are seeking to access are being made available on this webpage for information purpose only.

The Offer is made exclusively in France. The Offer has not been registered or approved outside of France and no action will be taken to register or approve it abroad. The documents relating to the Offer (including the offer document and the response document) and the information contained therein, are not intended to be distributed, released or published, directly or indirectly in countries other than France or made available to residents of such countries. The holders of the Bel SA shares located outside of France can only participate in the Offer if permitted by applicable law and regulations without any formality or publicity being required on the part of Unibel SA. The Offer is not open, whether directly or indirectly, to persons who are subject to particular restrictions applicable in accordance with laws in effect outside France and it cannot be accepted in any way in a country in which the Offer is subject to such restrictions.

Accordingly, for the reasons set out above, we are required to restrict access to the information and documents contained in the following web pages to shareholders of Bel SA resident in France or in any other country in which the law or regulations permit residents to have access to such information and documents without any formality or publicity being required on the part of Unibel SA.

Persons in possession of the documents and materials available on this webpage dedicated to the Offer (including any copy thereof) and of the information relating to the Offer are required to obtain information on any applicable local restrictions and to comply therewith. Failure to comply with these restrictions could constitute a violation of applicable securities and/or stock market laws and regulations in one of these countries. Unibel SA and Bel SA disclaim all liability for any violation by any person of any restrictions applicable to them. It is your responsibility to ensure that you comply with all applicable laws and regulations. If you have any doubts about compliance with these restrictions, we recommend that you do not access this website.

The documents and materials available on this webpage which is dedicated to the Offer do not constitute or form part of any offer, solicitation or invitation to sell, subscribe, exchange or acquire any securities nor shall it or any part of it form the basis of or be relied upon in connection with any contract or commitment whatsoever.

The Offer is not being made, directly or indirectly, in the United States, to persons in the United States, by means of the postal services or by any means of communication (including, without limitation, transmission by facsimile, telex, telephone or electronic mail) of the United States or through the services of any U.S. securities exchange. Accordingly, no copy of any document relating to the Offer may be sent by mail or communicated or distributed by any intermediary or other person in the United States in any manner whatsoever.

No shareholder of Bel SA may tender his shares to the Offer if he is unable to declare (i) that he has not received in the United States a copy of any document relating to the Offer, and that he has not sent such documents to the United States, (ii) that he has not used, directly or indirectly, the postal services, telecommunications or other jurisdictional means or the services of a U.S. stock exchange in connection with the Offer, (iii) that he or she was not in the United States when he or she accepted the terms of the Offer or transmitted his or her Share transfer order, and (iv) that he or she is neither a representative nor an agent acting for a principal other than a principal who communicated his or her instructions to him or her outside the United States. Authorized intermediaries may not accept orders for the transfer of shares which have not been made in accordance with the above provisions.

By clicking on the “I accept” button below, I confirm that (i) I am a resident of France or of a country in which I certify that I am legally entitled to access information and documents relating to the Offer without any formality or publicity being required on the part of Unibel SA, (ii) I undertake not to transfer, transmit or distribute, either in whole or in part, the documents and information relating to the Offer, to which I am to access, to persons residing in any country other than France, and (iv) I intend to access these documents for information purposes only. I confirm having read and understood this disclaimer, and I agree to be bound by each of the terms of this disclaimer.

Please accept the above conditions.

I accept.

I refuse.