Experience the Bel effect

Our employees are key players in the achievement of our corporate project. That is why we work to provide them with working conditions that are conducive to their well-being and safety, and are committed to developing their employability by offering them attractive and fair prospects for the future.

Ensuring safety, health, and well-being at work

The health and safety of our employees is a top priority for us at Bel. We are taking action to achieve the goal of “Zero accidents and occupational illnesses”, most notably by :

  • Training our employees to prevent accidents. Every year, a safety week is organized at all our international sites.
  • Working to reduce any work hardships, thus preventing occupational illnesses and injuries,
  • Providing an environment conducive to the well-being of our employees.


In 2021, two Group charters, focused on well-being in the workplace, were validated:

  • The Hybrid Work Charter, as part of the “Nurture” program, to promote employee autonomy and flexibility around work organization and strike the right balance between Group performance and employee well-being.
  • The Charter on the Right to Disconnect was deployed throughout the Group. This charter establishes a framework concerning respect for working hours and quality of life at work with a balance between personal and professional life.

Fostering diversity and inclusion

We’re committed to diversity and inclusion, equal opportunity – from the moment an employee is hired and throughout their career at Bel – and fighting against all forms of discrimination.


  • Multiculturalism for Diversity and Inclusion: Present in more than 120 countries, Bel is attentive to the diversity of the world in which it operates. The Group considers diversity to be a driving force for team innovation and agility and a source of wealth creation that is essential to the success of its ambitious goals. Bel strives to promote diversity in all its forms within its teams. Several training programs on cultural diversity and inclusion awareness are being prepared for deployment in 2022.
  • Gender equality : In 2021, 68% of our employees were men and 32% were women. To increase the proportion of women in our teams, and particularly in management, several programs have been launched, such as the “Leadership for Women” training courses attended by 85 female employees in recent years. Bel has also joined the European LEAD Network, whose objective is to advance women’s leadership in the retail and consumer goods industry. 
  • Disability : For more than 10 years, we have been committed to a proactive disability policy to promote the hiring and retention of workers with a disability and to guarantee a caring and inclusive environment. In 2020, a third approved Disability Agreement was signed with our social partners.

It supports the continued employment of employees with a disability, and the company is notably committed to :

  • Supporting them in their efforts to obtain recognition as a worker with a disability.
  • Allowing visits by ergonomists to study workstations and finance the necessary adjustments
  • Preventing and monitoring the development of disabilities on all our sites, through the mobilization of the internal health and safety network.
  • Offering employees with a disability who are close to retirement a part-time job which allows them to retain part of their income

Today, for Bel in France, the overall employment rate for workers with a disability is 6,55% (the French recommendation is 6%).

Training and developing talent

We support our employees as they develop their skills, throughout their experience at Bel and from the moment they join the company. Through training, our employees acquire new knowledge that promotes their development and employability.

We’ve set a goal to enable 100% of our employees to participate in at least one training session over the course of the year by 2025.

To achieve this goal, we’ve developed a diversified training offer (over 1,800 courses, including over 100 custom-made courses for Bel’s businesses), which can be accessed on a continuous basis thanks to a variety of teaching methods (classroom, virtual, digital, etc.).

Encouraging a sincere constructive and transparent social dialogue

We want to build relationships of trust with our employees and employee representative bodies, as well as sincere, constructive and transparent social dialogue, which will ensure the development of each individual and a serene life in the company.

Since 2016, we have implemented a Social Dialogue Charter at the global level, which structures our approach around essential principles: compliance with legislation, open and informed dialogue with representative bodies, but also with managers and employees.

Finally, to better perceive and evaluate the level of commitment of our employees, we conduct an annual satisfaction survey among all our teams worldwide, and more regularly as required by the subsidiaries.