
Since January 25, 2022 , Bel is 100%-owned by Unibel, a French corporation with a management board and supervisory board (Société Anonyme à Directoire et Conseil de Surveillance), and by the members of the founding Bel/Fiévet family group, bound by a shareholders' agreement (registered under AMF notice N° 213C1436 of September 26, 2013). As the lead holding company of the Bel Group, Unibel defines the long-term vision and sets the major strategic guidelines to steer the Group's growth, profitability and independence. The Finance and Commercial Company, SOFICO, a 100%-owned subsidiary of Bel, owns 8.45% of Unibel's shares in treasury.


As a reminder, Bel shares used to have the ISIN code: FR0000121857 (ticker: FBEL).