Bel’s commitment for nutrition education

In the current situation with nutrition challenges accelerated by Covid 19 pandemic, conflicts, climate change, rising prices… healthier diets are more vital than ever.  

As good eating habits are created during childhood, we’re convinced that educating families on healthier food and healthier eating habits can have a positive impact.  Thus, we have decided to actively support nutritional education for families with 8 active programs around the world (in 2022). 

Adapted to local health problems, these programs are conducted with local communities, field actors, institutions or governments with long terms objectives. Our nutrition education programs propose actions close to the target population with playful approaches that appeal to the senses and pleasure of people.  

Our objective is to implement nutrition education programs in 10 countries by 2025, working hand in hand with our trusted partners!

Promoting healthy eating habits and active lifestyles through an entertaining educational approach


In France we’ve been supporting Vivons en forme for 10 years. By sharing tools, supports (leaflets) and consumer studies, we aim to fight against overweight children and obesity. 


Ivory Coast and Senegal

In Ivory Coast, our objective is to strengthen nutrition education at schools with a focus on balanced breakfast. To do so, we’re helped by local nutrition experts and the Ministry of Education.  


In 2020, we have launched nutrition awareness sessions in schools so the children could learn about food group (food pyramids), balanced breakfast (with cards games) and their parents about nutrition tips (leaflet). We also distributed balanced breakfasts with bread, cheese, fresh fruits and water to help reinforcing healthy eating habits in a practical way 

One year after, we started the same program in Senegal.

In both countries (in 2022), we’ve been able to reach  10 000 kids. 

Kenya, Morocco and Madagascar

We also support school nutritional programs in Morocco with the Zakoura Foundation, in Kenya with the help of a local partner and nutrition professionals, in Madagascar with the National Office of Nutrition. 

Since October 2021 in Morocco, the program was launched in 1 school and have reached 150 children and 80 mothers. While in Kenya, since 2022, the program was launched in 8 schools and 1500 children benefited from it. 

Since december 2022, in Madagascar, our goal is to implement 2 schools canteens (to provide balanced food to all the students), build 2 school gardens (to provide concret learning and food), organize cooking demonstration sessions (to implement nutrition and health awareness) 

Our 2022/2023 goal is to be able to reach about 1000 children.  

South Africa

Since 2018, 11 500 kids have benefited from the school program “Eat well smile bigger” designed with the help from the Ministry of Education and a local nutritionist: Florence Malongane.  


We’ve been strengthening nutrition education in 31 different schools, helping teachers to reinforce their ressources and knowledge on this topic. 


In Egypt we formed a strong alliance with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to raise kids’ awareness about healthy eating through educational and fun tools (books, digital…).  

Our program Educanut in images